This is the current top 10 on the #FunkFlexFacebookMessenger leaderboard. Here you can find out more about each artist and submission. The talented artists in the top 10 have been recognized by the voters and stood out from the rest. The standings are always changing, so keep voting and keep submitting!
10. Kavali – Still Not a Player Freestyle
Kavali is from New Haven, Connecticut and went in on the classic Big Pun beat “Still Not a Player”.
Find him @SnapDatKev on all social media platforms.
Flight Vinny is from Queens, New York and his debut mixtape, Perfect Landing is available on
You can find him on Instagram: @flight_vinny and
8. J.R. The Truth – Latin Thug Freestyle
J.R. The Truth is from Jersey City, New Jersey.
Find all of his social media and streaming information on
7. Naveen – New Freezer (Cover)
Naveen is from Jacksonville, Florida.
6. Arnstar – Quiet Storm (Starmix) (Mobb Deep Tribute)
Arnstar is from Manhattan
Find him on Instagram: @Arnstar and Twitter @OfficialARNSTAR
Paparattzi Pop is from Brooklyn, New York and stopped by DJ Magic’s Ridin’ Out on Hot 97.
Needless to say, DJ Magic did NOT kick him out and was very impressed…apparently so were our voters.
Instagram @Paparattzipop Twitter @PaparattziPop
Yungg ROC, or ZillaBoy Roc is from Brooklyn, New York and recently performed as an opener for PNB Rock, Jay Critch, Lil
TJAY, and Funk Flex. He has some singles available to stream on apple music and some videos to go along with them that you
can catch on his Youtube, YUNGG ROC.
Find him on Instagram: @zillaboy.roc and Twitter: @ZILLABOYROC
2. Tyhasthegenuis – Freestyle Jay Z Beat
Tyhasthegenius is from New Brunswick, New Jersey.
Find him on Instagram: @tyhasthegenius
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