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Thursday, April 14, 2016

(Video) DEA Agent Told Not To Enforce Drug Laws In White Areas

Posted by Unknown on 11:33 AM

Matthew Fogg

Former US Marshall and DEA Agent, Matthew Fogg, has come out in a recent video where he discloses how he was ordered not to go into white neighborhoods to enforce drug laws. The same drug laws that have hindered the lives of many, specifically in low income areas which are predominantly composed of African-Americans and Latinos.

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They told this DEA agent not to enforce drug… by Prank2015

Fogg has been a known activist fighting against police brutality, racism, and other injustices performed by trusted law enforcement. In an interview with Brave New Films Fogg discusses common issues in law enforcement policy and the objective behind the war on drugs. However, much of the information he brings to light mainly confirms a lot of suspicions behind the true intention of law enforcement and the war on drugs throughout the United States.

“We were jumping on guys in the middle of the night, all of that. Swooping down on folks all across the country, using these sorts of attack tactics that we went out on, that you would use in Vietnam, or some kind of war-torn zone. All of the stuff that we were doing, just calling it the war on drugs. And there wasn’t very many black guys in my position.
So when I would go into the war room, where we were setting up all of our drug and gun and addiction task force determining what cities we were going to hit, I would notice that most of the time it always appeared to be urban areas.

That’s when I asked the question, well, don’t they sell drugs out in Potomac and Springfield, and places like that? Maybe you all think they don’t, but statistics show they use more drugs out in those areas than anywhere. The special agent in charge, he says ‘You know, if we go out there and start messing with those folks, they know judges, they know lawyers, they know politicians. You start locking their kids up; somebody’s going to jerk our chain.’ He said, ‘they’re going to call us on it, and before you know it, they’re going to shut us down, and there goes your overtime.”

While much of what Fogg has informed us about is concerning, it does add to the list of racist injustices that have been taking place all over the US in recent years. Hopefully, with information like this, we can give activists fighting against these types of methods used by law enforcement more support, and progress even further toward a more trustworthy system of law enforcement that doesn’t prey among poor communities.

Source: Daily KOS

The post (Video) DEA Agent Told Not To Enforce Drug Laws In White Areas appeared first on In Flex We Trust.

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