This is what happens when you creep on your wife and have a child with a bird. After being awarded $1500 a month in child support from her now-ex Mathew Knowles, the mother to Beyonce’s half-sister Koi Knowles had a little fun on Instagram poking fun at the situation. She made sure to hashtag Koi’s name as well. I’m still mad this illegitimate child gets to share a bloodline with Bey…and that’s NOTHING against the beautiful, innocent baby. It’s the fact that her bird-like former-lingerie-model-turned-real-estate-agent mother will continue to try to capitalize off of it for the rest of her life, and this poor kid will likely never meet her siblings, or at least have a real relationship with them.
Marisa Mendez
Spotted: Vlad
from In Flex We Trust
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