I seriously just fell bad for Amanda Bynes. Right now, she needs some attention, and who knows if her parents are actually giving it to her. After last year’s series of fails, the child star went off to get help, but she’s back at it.
Bynes has been placed back into a psychiatric hospital only to be released – again – for her to get another chance at stealing and additional DUI charges. Her latest shenanigan would be using gift cards to survive – HUH?! She hits up Twitter to fill us all in her latest attempt at life…
Hit the jump for the details.
Bynes took to Twitter to announce that she was diagnosed as, “bi-polar and manic depressive” disorders. All she’s worried about at this point it taking her medication. “My lawyer said if I comply with the courts and take my meds and see my psychologist and pyshchiatrist weekly then I will get unconcerned.”
Her mini-confession continues and then ends with a ‘one of my friends had my phone’ type tweets – Sure, and Chris Brown is secretly dating Adrienne Bailon. Who knows with this girl. I just ask that someone who doesn’t need a hospital bed themselves, guides this girl.
Hit up the gallery for Amanda’s speech!
from In Flex We Trust http://ift.tt/1tEnLxJ
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