After the tragic passing of Paul Walker, the Fast and Furious production team has decided to retire the character of Brian O Conner in the upcoming Fast and Furious 7, hit the jump for more.
The tragic passing of Paul Walker left those working on the Fast and Furious 7, with one of two options, to either “kill off” the character, or to retire him and it seems like the production team has taken the retirement approach:
“Paul Walker’s “Fast and Furious” character, Brian O’Conner, won’t be killed off for “Fast and Furious 7.” According to THR, the plan is to “retire” O’Conner and give the character a proper send off in the wake of Walker’s tragic death on Nov. 30. Per THR, director James Wan will use existing footage of Walker, who died in a car crash, while screenwriter Chris Morgan will add additional scenes to the film’s script to patch O’Conner’s exit over.” HP
Sunday, January 5, 2014
Fast And Furious To Retire Brian O’Conner In FF7
Posted by Unknown on 9:57 PM
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