The decision to possibly cancel this Sunday’s game between the Eagles and Bucs in Tampa could come later today. The reason? It is actually a pretty dangerous one. Earlier this season, 2 members of the Bucs team were discovered to have a staph infection, or MRSA. Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) infection is caused by a strain of staph bacteria that’s become resistant to the antibiotics commonly used to treat ordinary staph infections. One of those two players who thought he was cured, has somehow contracted the infection again. Now a third member of the Bucs has contracted the infection as well. In extreme cases death can result from this infection. It also can affect the bloodstream, heart, lungs, bones and joints. Medical personnel are in the Bucs facility as we speak to decide if it is safe to continue having players there. Since they currently are not sure how these players are getting infected, the NFL has said there is a chance the game scheduled for Sunday will have to be played at a later time. Especially since the locker room is a common area, officials are somewhat hesitant to continue to allow players to be in the area. Hit the jump to see more about what is going on.

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