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Friday, October 5, 2012

Surprise HIV Test At Brooklyn Clinic Outrages Woman, So She Sues Doctor Over Bad News

Posted by Unknown on 12:30 AM

I didn’t even think lawsuits like this were possible. She should thank this doctor not file a lawsuit against him. A Brooklyn doctor saved a woman’s life, but is now being sued by his patient for finding she is HIV positive even though she never agreed to get tested. Click below to read the rest of the story.


The 31-year-old woman, identified as Jane Doe in court papers, was receiving treatments for vitamin B12 deficiency when she got the shock of her life — learning she carries the virus that causes AIDS.
Adding insult to injury, the suit alleged, Dr. Pavel Yutsis informed her of the devastating results without the counseling or support she needed — and the law requires.
“When he told me I was positive and threw the papers at me, I just went numb,” the woman recalled. “I was no good.”
The plaintiff, who hails from Harlem, was treated at Lifex Medical Care in Sheepshead Bay following gastric-bypass surgery she had at another facility.
A test showed her white blood cell count was low, so Yutsis suggested she get checked for HIV.
“(She) clearly stated that she did not want an HIV test,” according to the suit filed in Brooklyn Supreme Court last month.
But the doctor did the test anyway during a visit with his patient in September 2011, said the complaint.


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