Though TMZ is quite credible, we still have to take their last two reports on the Chris Brown/Karrueche/Rihanna love triangle with a grain salt. The first was a “statement” from Chris, confirming he’d officially broken up with Kae, the latest being “sources” from her camp talking to them about how their girl is feeling. But, I’ll take their word until I have reason to believe otherwise. In non-surprising news, Kae is feeling exactly how one would feel after their boyfriend goes back to his ex…like crap. Meanwhile, Rihanna hasn’t tweeted much but did take the time to throw out the old adage, “Tough times don’t last…. But tough people do!!!” following her date night with Chris at the Jay-Z concert. Seemingly an ode to her and Breezy’s rocky relationship. Check out the status update on Karrueche below. Such drama!
Chris Brown’s ex-girlfriend ain’t buyin’ that Chris is “just friends” with Rihanna … telling her peeps she’s convinced they were bangin’ behind her back.
We spoke to multiple sources connected to Karrueche Tran … who tell us KT feels betrayed by Chris because he had promised her that she was the only woman in his life … especially when she probed him about his feelings toward Rihanna.
We’re told Karrueche had suspected something was up between the two of them for weeks because Chris was acting differently — going to clubs alone, acting distant and ramping up his public appearances with Rihanna.
Sources say Karrueche told friends she truly loved Chris … and felt that the relationship was great until Rihanna let Brown back into her life.
Source: TMZ

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