And as usual, the typical backtracking begins. After Mobb Deep’s Havoc took to his Twitter this morning to say he no longer rocks with his groupmate Prodigy and said all types of slanderous things (to which P just responded to), he now had an official statement go out via a publicist that his phone was stolen, so all those tweets and the confirmed text to Shade 45′s morning show were untrue. Read his statement below.
His statement to Rap Radar:
“Just getting back into NY after my Easter weekend with family and friends in Jersey. I left my phone at a gas station yesterday evening while on my way to Jersey after a glorious Knick’s game. To all Mobb Deep fans: it’s business as usual! It’s Mobb Deep all day!!! My twitter account @THEREALHAVOC will be down until further notice. The only other real account is @PRODIGYMOBBDEEP. Ignore the rest. One!”
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