With All these Copyright issue’s going around, like SOPA, and the destruction of Megaupload, and the shutting down of several sites due to the passing around of ‘not your material’, And nobody has been thinking about youtube, Except the courts, and viacom. Hit the Jump!
The original lawsuit is for $1 Billion, and was filed back in 2007, which was not long after the google purchase of youtube, and as I remember Viacom had also Just passed on the offer to purchase youtube, So the lawsuit could have been plain old disgruntled-ness, But irregardless Viacom Now seems to be ahead of it’s time with the whole copyright thing, and the Appeals court is realizing it
The 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals said on Thursday that a reasonable jury could have found that YouTube knew of specific infringing activity on its website. As a result, it said a lower court made a mistake in dismissing the case.
Allegedly there were 79 Thousand Videos that have had copyright issues between 2005, and 2008, So they are now looking into that.
Listen it would not be the 1st lawsuit Google has faced, and If need be they will come to an Agreement, I mean whats a Billion $ to them, and on the positive side, It will help keep MTV and VH1 on the Air!!!!!!

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