BET gives a rundown on some of the most memorable moments in season 4 of The Game in preparation of season 5 which premieres 1/10/12 at 10/9c.
1. Season 4 of The Game was packed with action and drama! We've got photos of your favorite fan moments for you to review. How about we start off with the steamy relationship between Tasha and Dante?

2. The Malik and Parker Drama
The season premiere was the first time we witnessed the mess of an affair that is Parker and Malik. The ill-fated couple's drama carried through the entire season, even to the point where Parker was forcing Malik to have relations. Who knew that was possible for Malik?
3. Momma-sense
After Malik entered rehab, Mama Mack decided to talk some sense into him. Who doesn't love hearing Tasha give someone the what-for?
4. Rehab Relationship
We didn't see the relationship between Malik and Jenna Rice coming. They met in rehab and immediately disliked each other. But when they finally got together, we were happy to see Malik with someone he really loved for once.
5.Mrs. Parker
When viewers first realized that Parker was in fact the wife of the San Diego Sabers owner, we were all shocked.
6. Take One for the Team
We knew Malik had a thing for Parker—but what we didn't know was that he hated his team's owner. Sparks flew when the two confronted each other, alluding to a season-long rivalry.
7. Big Mistake
Derwin hit the roof (or, rather, the wall) when he found out that Melanie's DNA test results were wrong and that Baby D.J. was indeed his son. The kid-sized messup caused a whole season of baby drama between the two.
8. The Truth Will Set You Free
It seemed as though Melanie finally got what she wanted: her man all to herself. Derwin was grateful to Melanie for getting a DNA swab of his baby when he thought that Janay had lied about Baby D.J.'s paternity.
9. Decision Time
San Diego Sabers franchise player Derwin Davis tried to reason with the team's owner on Malik's behalf, but to no avail. Was the owner just jealous of Malik's pretty-boy charm?
10. Young Love
This would be the first of many times that Dante had to tell Tasha about herself. Ms. Mack was content with keeping their spring/winter relationship under wraps.
11. Quarterback Kick-Off

The season premiere was the first time we witnessed the mess of an affair that is Parker and Malik. The ill-fated couple's drama carried through the entire season, even to the point where Parker was forcing Malik to have relations. Who knew that was possible for Malik?
3. Momma-sense

After Malik entered rehab, Mama Mack decided to talk some sense into him. Who doesn't love hearing Tasha give someone the what-for?
4. Rehab Relationship

We didn't see the relationship between Malik and Jenna Rice coming. They met in rehab and immediately disliked each other. But when they finally got together, we were happy to see Malik with someone he really loved for once.
5.Mrs. Parker

When viewers first realized that Parker was in fact the wife of the San Diego Sabers owner, we were all shocked.
6. Take One for the Team

We knew Malik had a thing for Parker—but what we didn't know was that he hated his team's owner. Sparks flew when the two confronted each other, alluding to a season-long rivalry.
7. Big Mistake

Derwin hit the roof (or, rather, the wall) when he found out that Melanie's DNA test results were wrong and that Baby D.J. was indeed his son. The kid-sized messup caused a whole season of baby drama between the two.
8. The Truth Will Set You Free

It seemed as though Melanie finally got what she wanted: her man all to herself. Derwin was grateful to Melanie for getting a DNA swab of his baby when he thought that Janay had lied about Baby D.J.'s paternity.
9. Decision Time

San Diego Sabers franchise player Derwin Davis tried to reason with the team's owner on Malik's behalf, but to no avail. Was the owner just jealous of Malik's pretty-boy charm?
10. Young Love

This would be the first of many times that Dante had to tell Tasha about herself. Ms. Mack was content with keeping their spring/winter relationship under wraps.
11. Quarterback Kick-Off

Derwin Davis decided that he cared more about the team than his friendship with Malik. He took Malik's potential replacement to meet his idol, Jason Pitts.
12. It's Over
12. It's Over

You can't tell Tasha Mack how to spend her money, honey! In another one of Dante and Tasha's infamous fights, he lets her know that her frivolous spending has got to go. Of course, it didn't end well for him.
13. Special Guest
Magic Johnson made an appearance on the show this season. Has Tasha finally met her mouth-match?
14. Run in With the Big Man
After sending out photos of herself on the Internet that were too grown, Brittany Pitts had to deal with the wrath of Mama Mack. Magic Johnson was there to show her a little discipline as well.
15. Britt Bratt
Brittany Pitts didn't know what she was asking for when she acted up in front of Ms. Mack. Who didn't love this showdown?
16. Oh No He Didn't!
Tasha Mack has given us some unforgettable moments this season, including her discovery that Malik keeps an abundance of "hoochies" at his house.
17. Malik Massage
Just another example of Malik's rehab pimpin'. But we're glad to see that he got his life together.
18. Tell 'Em Tee Tee!
We were happy to see Tee Tee finally stand up for himself! Just because Malik loaned him the money to start the Cluck Truck didn't give him a license to treat Tee Tee like trash. Tee Tee gave Mr. Wright the money back plus interest.
19. Back Stabber
Malik's teammate and friend Juvon went behind his back and talked about Malik's wild ways on Jason's show,Benched—while he sat right next to him and watched!
20. What a Good Guy
Even though Malik slept with his girlfriend Allison, Tee Tee took her back. I guess love is stronger than pride in this case.
13. Special Guest

Magic Johnson made an appearance on the show this season. Has Tasha finally met her mouth-match?
14. Run in With the Big Man

After sending out photos of herself on the Internet that were too grown, Brittany Pitts had to deal with the wrath of Mama Mack. Magic Johnson was there to show her a little discipline as well.
15. Britt Bratt

Brittany Pitts didn't know what she was asking for when she acted up in front of Ms. Mack. Who didn't love this showdown?
16. Oh No He Didn't!

Tasha Mack has given us some unforgettable moments this season, including her discovery that Malik keeps an abundance of "hoochies" at his house.
17. Malik Massage

Just another example of Malik's rehab pimpin'. But we're glad to see that he got his life together.
18. Tell 'Em Tee Tee!

We were happy to see Tee Tee finally stand up for himself! Just because Malik loaned him the money to start the Cluck Truck didn't give him a license to treat Tee Tee like trash. Tee Tee gave Mr. Wright the money back plus interest.
19. Back Stabber

Malik's teammate and friend Juvon went behind his back and talked about Malik's wild ways on Jason's show,Benched—while he sat right next to him and watched!
20. What a Good Guy

Even though Malik slept with his girlfriend Allison, Tee Tee took her back. I guess love is stronger than pride in this case.
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