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Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Man Drives Shoulder Into Woman And Body Slams Her For Coughing And Spreading Germs!!!

Posted by Unknown on 11:20 PM

Nah B! This guy is out here wilding for respect on another level. He body slammed a lady and drove his shoulder into her(not in that order) because she was coughing on a plane and was spreading germs.


Patrick White had a serious problem with the woman coughing on his American Airlines flight to Jacksonville International Airport in Florida. The 31-year-old Georgia man spend the plane ride harassing the sick 19-year-old, according to police. Unsatisfied that he had made his point, as passengers were getting off the plane last week, he began calling her obscene names and telling her that she had ‘infected everyone’ on the flight. He then charged her and body slammed her with his shoulder, knocking her against the wall, flight said. He was arrested on charges of misdemeanor battery. According to a police report, he ‘continually harassed and chastised (the woman) for coughing and ‘spreading disease”‘ while they were on the plane last week. However, White might have had a point, of sorts. A new study suggests air travelers have a 20 percent chance of catching a cold or other bug. The Centers for Disease Control says travelers are most at risk from catching a virus from fellow passengers within a two seat radius.


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