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Friday, December 9, 2011

Woman Gets Arrested For Prostitution, Says She Didn’t Know Happy Endings Were Illegal

Posted by Unknown on 9:14 AM

A woman told police that she did not think it was illegal to perform sexual acts on massage clients at her home if she asked permission first. She kind of has a point if she charged for the massage and did the other part for free. Click below to find out more.

Dawn Marie McGovern was charged with prostitution last month after police say she was running an illegal massage parlor performing sexual acts on her clients at her home on Scranton Drive. According to the undercover detective, he was brought upstairs and into a room that had a massage table set up. The suspect began the massage wearing a blue skirt and suit jacket, but during the massage she began taking off articles of clothing until she was topless and wearing only a thong. When the suspect finished the back massage, she asked the detective to turn over and began massaging his chest, arms and legs, according to the detective. The suspect then asked if there were any other places the detective would like to have massaged. According to the report, the detective told her it was his first time doing something like this and told her he didn’t know what else could be done. She then asked if he would be comfortable having his hip area massaged. He said yes. She removed the detective’s underwear and began massaging his inner thighs, the report states. She then asked if he would be comfortable with her massaging his penis. The detective again replied yes and she began to massage his private area. Shortly after, the detective told her he felt uncomfortable and ended the massage. The detective then paid McGover $150 for the massage. After she accepted the money he presented his police badge and identified himself as a Mt. Pleasant police officer. McGovern was taken downstairs for questioning.


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