Nicki Minaj will be collaborating with a super famous pop star on their next album! Nicki and the singer will also be joined by another pop star. I’m kind of excited to hear what music these three will release! Find out which three singers are hitting an NYC studio to start recording their track after the jump!
It’s Madonna and singer, M.I.A
Whatever this track is, its gonna be DOPE!

M.I.A. tweeted “summond to NYC by bitchesses > MADONNA and @NICKIMINAJ > cofffffiiiiiiieeeeeeeeee it iz a good day to get me tho trustttt bitches”

M.I.A. tweeted “summond to NYC by bitchesses > MADONNA and @NICKIMINAJ > cofffffiiiiiiieeeeeeeeee it iz a good day to get me tho trustttt bitches”
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