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Sunday, November 27, 2011

Parents Name Kids Adolf Hitler And Other Nazi Names, Lose Custody

Posted by Unknown on 11:11 AM

Heath and Deborah Campbell, New Jersey parents of three children with Nazi-inspired names, lost custody of their fourth child 17 hours after he was born.

According to the Express-Times of Lehigh Valley, Pa., Hons Campbell was taken into custody by the New Jersey Division of Youth and Family Service.

"There's no legal binding court order. This is basically a kidnapping, but they use different terms," an upset Heath Campbell told the Express-Times.
The couple made news in 2008, when a ShopRite grocery store declined to decorate a birthday cake for their son Adolf Hitler Campbell's third birthday.

The state took custody of Adolf, along with his sisters JoyceLynn Aryan Nation Campbell and Honszlynn Himler Jeannie Campbell, in January of 2009.

The three children have remained in foster care ever since.

A DYFS spokesperson would not comment on a specific case, but said children are only taken into custody if there is a suspicion of abuse or neglect.

"We would never remove a child simply based on their name," the spokeswoman said, implying that it was certainly not because of their names.

The couple's attorney, Pasquale Giannetta, said that a hearing has been scheduled for Monday to determine the custody status of the newborn.


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