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Sunday, September 4, 2011

Shocking Emails Of Texas Police Hacked And Dumped Online!

Posted by Unknown on 6:16 PM

‘That stupid b**** got what she deserved (I’ll bet she was fat and black too)’.Hackers claim to have accessed the email accounts of more than two dozen law enforcement agencies in Texas and dumped the contents online. Anonymous, the loose-knit international hacking collective, said the data it posted came from the work and personal emails of officers, including department chiefs. The group said the information posted online included classified police documents as well as lewd and racist jokes. In one email to a senior Texas police official accessed by MailOnline, it was written: ‘That stupid b**** who started that stolen car chase at Yale and 610 got what she deserved (I’ll bet she was fat and black too). ‘Same with that pervert that got shot by the county. F*** that guy, see ya. That all sounds like good police work to me. ‘Those folks got the criminal cure. It’s guaranteed, they will never commit a crime again.’ Other emails contained offensive theories about Muslim inbreeding and the details of complaints of a police officer’s affair with a married woman. Hackers also appeared to take over the website of the Texas Police chiefs, replacing it with one that listed police departments and officials whose email accounts it claimed to have hacked.

Anonymous posted a statement on the police website saying it was ‘attacking Texas law enforcement’ because of the arrests of Anonymous supporters and what the group sees as harassment of immigrants by authorities in the state. The statement read: ‘Having a slow day behind the desk, filing papers, staring at your colleague’s fine posterior? ‘What have you been up to since our last visit? Don’t answer that. We already know.’ The group claimed to have been lurking inside law enforcement computer systems for a month, gathering information for a release inspired by the ‘fighting spirit of WikiLeaks’. It added: ‘While many of our comrades facing charges and in prison are innocent, there is no such thing as an innocent police officer, and we will continue to directly attack the prison industrial complex by leaking their private data, destroying their systems, and defacing their websites.’

James McLaughlin, the executive director of the Texas Police Chiefs Association, said: ‘They apparently hacked into our website and replaced it with one of their own.’ He said he had no idea of the content of the allegedly hacked emails published yesterday, adding: ‘All I know is what they [WikiLeaks] claim to have done.’ He said the FBI and Texas Attorney General had begun an investigation into the website hack and that they hoped to track down those responsible. Anonymous said that most of the Texas law enforcement agencies it claimed to have hacked into were police departments in small cities or school district police agencies. About 10 of the email accounts were personal accounts of law enforcement officials.

Robert Mock, one of the individuals whose personal email account was apparently breached, said he had only been made aware of the possibility yesterday. ‘This wasn’t my work account. Got my private information out there. I don’t even know what’s out there.’

Robert Mock, hacking victim He said: ‘I’m upset, as anybody would be whose account was hacked into. This wasn’t my work account. Got my private information out there. I don’t even know what’s out there.’ Anonymous listed Mr Mock as being a lieutenant with the Houston police department, but he said he had left the department about four years ago. Mr Mock said he still worked in law enforcement in the Houston area but declined to say where he was employed.

In addition to his cellphone and water bills, Anonymous also posted emails of jokes that were forwarded to Mr Mock that made fun of Arabs and Muslims. Last month, Anonymous claimed it hacked into some 70 mostly rural law enforcement websites, mainly from sheriffs’ offices in Arkansas, Kansas, Louisiana, Missouri and Mississippi.

Email 2:
Email 3:


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